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Writer's pictureCapital Fellows

Casting to the One Who Cares

by Christina Lewis

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Time is moving by so quickly. It seems only yesterday I was loading up my little car for the 12 hour trek from my home in Alabama to the D.C area. Even so, here I am practically three months into the Capital Fellows program! Some things are growing pleasantly more comfortable and familiar such as my commute, my internship responsibilities, and the newly deepening friendships. However, here at the first semester midway point, I feel challenged by the workload, fatigued, and slightly stressed about the future. As these things push me towards anxiousness, I am learning how to resist and rest, and it looks like casting my cares individually and honestly at the feet of God the Father, who truly cares for us.  I have been learning the scope of God's care through the love extended by those around me. Here are just a few examples. The church staff with whom I work Tuesday through Thursday and Sunday are so encouraging and gracious towards me as I learn new things. The Capital Fellow directors and professors coordinate lectures, assignments, activities, and discussions with such thoughtfulness. Furthermore, amidst their busy schedules, they give us priority and genuinely want to know how each us is doing. On Monday night, we ate dinner with the Capital Fellows Steering Committee (the board of leaders from the church who oversee admission, mentoring, housing, and job placements for the Capital Fellows program). It was truly humbling to see that there are so many people, many of whom we barely know, pouring into us despite the fact that we have not done anything for them. Last but not least, I have seen God's care through the other fellows. Last week, we bonded over nights in the library working on our Daniel papers (i.e. midterm papers for our biblical theology course with Dr. Bill Fullilove), wore PJs to the school where we volunteer, served at children's and youth ministry events, and even tried to fit way too many of ourselves into a hot tub on a chilly night (the running joke being "our hot tub runneth over" because it quite literally overflowed). In all of these moments, I have witnessed and experienced interactions seasoned with the loving-kindness of Christ.  I have been reminded how fully and deeply God cares, and knowing this truth, I am able to confidently cast my own cares upon Him, freeing me to love others well that they might know Him more. Oh brothers and sisters, may we be purposeful everyday to care like Christ!

Pictures from the Week

Capital Fellows Leadership Development Program
The church library where we lived for about a week!

Capital Fellows Leadership Development Program
Bonfire at the Mountain Mama youth retreat. I wonder if the Israelites followed something that looks like this?

Capital Fellows Leadership Development Program
Wearing PJs to school

Capital Fellows Leadership Development Program
Children's ministry fellows at the Krop's Crops family event. Special shout out to the guy in plaid who led and organized this event. #flourishing

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