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Writer's pictureCapital Fellows

Seeds Planted

Updated: May 22, 2022

By John Kyle

Capital Fellows Season 15 is in the books.

The end of each Capital Fellows year is a reminder, maybe challenge, to look in two directions at the same time. With one eye, we can look back with gratitude for all God has done this year. With the other, we can look forward with prayerful anticipation about all he will do in and through this group of remarkable fellows.

Looking back, we can consider God’s beautifully complicated work of bringing this class together. In 2020-21, COVID largely prevented us from getting onto college campuses for recruiting. And yet, in his perfect way and timing, God gathered the class one-by-one. Despite COVID and its range of emotions and reactions, God moved in the hearts of host families in the Capital Pres Family to show radical hospitality by providing housing for the fellows. He provided employment for them all over the city in a wide variety of jobs. He has, once again, gathered a remarkable group of professors, pastors, and mentors to teach and walk with fellows along the way. Over the course of the year, he guided the fellows through challenges of all sorts – interpersonal, motivational, intellectual, practical – each one a formative and preparatory step. God’s careful and loving hand has clearly guided these fellows and this program with intention and attention.

Looking forward, how might God use this experience in the life of these fellows and in the life of the church? They came not only to learn about vocation, servanthood, community, and leadership, but to practice these things. Our approach to head + heart + hands education is guided by the Shema inDeuteronomy 6:4-6, the call to love God fully with our heart, soul, and strength. Although Scripture tells us that love does not demand its own way (I Corinthians 13:5), the Capital Fellows program can be full of difficult lessons because we tend toward selfishness in so many ways – our career strategy, relationships, housing choices, money, and time management. The Capital Fellows program is a year to learn and practice our call to live Christ-centered, whole-love lives of discipleship and servanthood. As we look forward with hope rather than cynicism, what might it look like for fifteen bright, capable young adults to take their place as servant leaders guided by transformed hearts and minds (Romans 12:2, II Peter 1:5-8) in every area of life? Knowing these fellows as I do, and especially knowing that God loves them, I am encouraged. I look forward with prayerful anticipation to all that God will do in and through them.

As usual, I end another Capital Fellows year in a reflective mood, looking back and looking forward. I find myself returning to the same thought: what an honor it has been to spend this year with this group. I am deeply grateful that God gave us this time together. Annie, Brooke, Camille, David, Dawson, Emily, Emy, Jack, Kate, Lainey, Lydia Grace, Madi, Orlane, Samuel, and Seth – thank you for making a serious investment of your time and energy this year. May God bless you as the seeds you have planted grow and flourish.

NOTE TO READERS: For those that keep up with this blog throughout the year, thank you! We hope that it has been an encouragement along the way. Please keep an eye out for the new season of weekly Capital Fellows posts coming your way in September.

Capital Fellows Class of 2022


Pray for the Capital Fellows

Thank you for praying for the Capital Fellows each week!

The members of Capital Fellows Season 15 are on their way to new cities, new jobs, and new neighborhoods. Please pray that as they launch into this next season of their lives, they would strive to take every thought captive for Christ, follow in his footsteps, and work for the welfare of the city. Pray that they would be transformed of mind and heart, discerning the will of God and turning from the pattern of the world. May they learn to trust more and more the Word of God, and to be guided by it in every area of life.

Want to pray for the Capital Fellows in an ongoing way? Download this handy prayer guide for your phone or tablet.


Benefits of The Fellows Initiative

You probably already know that Capital Fellows is one of 32 fellows programs in The Fellows Initiative network. Capital Fellows benefit from our affiliation with The Fellows Initiative in many ways. One of those ways is that all Capital Fellows alumni receive a 33% tuition discount at Reformed Theological Seminary for 5 years. For more information, please contact us.

If you know a church in the US or Canada that would benefit from joining The Fellows Initiative by launching a new fellows program. Please contact TFI by visiting their website.


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