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Writer's pictureCapital Fellows

Soaking up God’s Goodness

By Grace Gilbert

As I sit in a coffee shop writing this blog post, I find myself struggling to sum up what the Lord has been teaching me so far through these transformative months in the Capital Fellows Program. However, going into the Holidays (How is it almost Thanksgiving?! Time is flying!), I have been reminded over and over again to simply “soak up” God’s goodness. God is teaching me to slow down, linger longer in His presence and others', and find His grace in both the mundane and extraordinary moments.

In a world full of brokenness, sorrow, and sin, it can be easy to overlook the blessings that God graciously gifts us. Sorrow can often feel more weighty than goodness. But, I’ve come to understand that sorrow and joy can coexist. Psalm 126:5-6 says, "Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves." Even amid my own challenges, sorrows, and questions, I am learning to seek daily the goodness that is found in Him alone.

In the Capital Fellows Program, I have been overwhelmed by the goodness of God in the ways He has provided. I am in awe that He has graciously gifted me with this fellow's community, a wonderful internship & host family, a precious Kindergarten Sunday School Class & 6th-grade communicants class, and so much more.

These verses continually remind me that He is the source of goodness and the giver of good gifts:

“Taste and see that the Lord is good.” — Psalm 34: 8
“You are good and do good; teach me your statutes.” — Psalm 119:68
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” — James 1:17

Father, when we get overwhelmed with the endless to-dos of life, remind us to slow down and see the goodness surrounding us. Teach us to soak in the fruits of the Spirit, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22). May we see your goodness in both the slow and fast moments, the ordinary and extraordinary, the sorrow and joy. Teach our hearts and minds to dwell in your presence throughout our day, and to soak up the things that are for eternity. We long to know and love you more deeply!

Grace Gilbert is a member of the Capital Fellows class of 2023-24. She is from Nashville, Tennessee, and is a graduate of the University of Mississippi. This year, she is working at La Vie En Rose Photography, a wedding photography company in Northern Virginia.


Pictures From The Week

Hannah's 22nd birthday celebration!

Some Capital Fellows went to the Liberty football game! Thanks, McCaw family for hosting us!!!

... And we ate lots of yummy food and treats too!

Game night at the Balch's home!


Know a Potential Capital Fellow?

If you know a college senior or recent graduate who should consider joining the Capital Fellows program in 2024-25, please encourage them to get in touch with us. The easiest way to express interest in the program is through our Contact Us Form. You can learn more about the program, including application deadlines, by visiting the Capital Fellows website.

About Capital Fellows. Capital Fellows is an advanced leadership and discipleship program for recent college graduates. Through graduate courses, a paid internship, one-on-one mentoring, and many leadership and community service opportunities, fellows develop and apply their gifts in real-world situations while learning to integrate a Christian worldview into all areas of life. Capital Fellows is a unique opportunity to live and work in the Washington DC area and to be an active member of a supportive community that seeks to serve the city with the love of Christ. It is also a unique opportunity to get hands-on experience in the workplace while deeply exploring God’s design for us as workers and contributors to human flourishing.


Pray for the Capital Fellows

Thank you for praying for the Capital Fellows each week!

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving next week, we are deeply grateful for the Capital Fellows Season 17. They are growing deeper in faith in Christ. They're working hard and digging into both the "taught" and "caught" elements of the Capital Fellows. Please join the Capital Fellows leadership team this week in giving thanks to God for the 15 members of Season 17.

Want to pray for the current Capital Fellows in an ongoing way? Download this handy prayer guide for your phone or tablet.


About The Fellows Initiative

Capital Fellows is part of a network of similar programs across the country. This network is called The Fellows Initiative. There are 34 Fellows programs in TFI, roughly 3,000 alumni living around the world, and more Fellows programs on the way.

If you know a church in the US or Canada that would benefit from joining TFI by launching a new Fellows program. Please contact TFI by visiting their website.


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