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Thanksgiving: A Time to Rest

Updated: Feb 12, 2019

by Meekhol Lu

It has been an exciting week for the Capital Fellows as we commence holiday festivities! This past Friday, we kicked it off with our Fellowsgiving celebration— progressive dinner style! We ate a lot and laughed a lot! We are very thankful for our host families, including my very own, who continue show us radical hospitality by opening up their homes! 

It is fitting that I write this week’s blog because the fellows class visited a place dear to my heart. We stopped by International Justice Mission's (IJM) headquarters, where I interned this past summer, to learn about the organization’s work of justice across the globe and participated in 11 o’clock prayer. This is a daily time set aside where the staff stops their workday to pray about the tasks God has set before them. It is a time to actively rest in the Lord and yield all the day’s successes and failures to Him. It is one of the simplest yet powerful disciplines at IJM. 

Being back at IJM was a reminder of how easy it is to get caught up in busyness of Washington DC culture. As a Capital Fellow, my life has been stretched across many different spectrums. It is common for me to try to do everything put before me at 100%. However, the frustrating reality is that I cannot accomplish everything perfectly. And it is in this vein that God calls me to something countercultural— stop and rest. I am learning that rest is an active decision I have to make before the Lord because pressures from society aren’t going to slow down for it. Rest is an acknowledgement of my humanness and that only through Christ, all things are made complete. Perhaps, this is the most important lesson I can take away from my failure. The flesh will always say to do more and work harder but the Spirit impresses those three declarative words Jesus exhaled on the cross, “It is finished.”

The fellows have all headed our separate ways for the Thanksgiving season (The longest we will be apart thus far! Pray for us!). We are definitely thankful for this time to slow down and very thankful for your continual support through prayer and giving! 

From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! 

Pictures from the Week

Capital Fellows Leadership Development Program
Thank you Jessica Kyle for hosting us at IJM on Friday!

Capital Fellows Leadership Development Program
Fellowsgiving appetizer shenanigans at the Plitz's house!

Capital Fellows Leadership Development Program
Fellowsgiving dinner at the Phillip’s residence!

Capital Fellows Leadership Development Program
Worship during Club 45 (4th and 5th Grade at McLean Presbyterian Church)

Capital Fellows Leadership Development Program
Another amazing roundtable meal courtesy of Christina and Jack!

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